Reignite Your Spirit: 
Embrace Healing, Ignite Passion, 
and Forge New Pathways 
For A Life Changing Journey!

What is 
Iliaster Rose?

The Iliaster Rose is a symbol of the divine spark within each of us. It represents the journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening and the eventual blossoming or growth one experiences when this spark is nurtured. Just as a rose blooms, so too does our inner light. The Iliaster is achieved through nurturing this spark to full enlightenment.

Iliaster is a term coined by Paracelsus referring to the [cosmic] essence. The Iliaster, literally means “the star in man.” 

The beautiful rose, like the lotus, represents the unfoldment of the authentic self. It is the blossoming that occurs as one grows, transforms & enlightens.

By cultivating the Iliaster Rose, we can unlock our full potential, live more fulfilling lives, and contribute positively to the world.

February Inspiration

~Cultivating An Expansive Sense of Love~

~ MIND ~

Love is in the air...

We have all heard the saying, "Love is in the air," and many of us have felt it firsthand. But did you know YOU could intentionally create “love in the air”?

I am not referring to the "honeymoon stage" of a relationship or the butterflies in the belly feeling from a new crush, that everyone notices. I am referring to a love mindset.

In order to explain a love mindset let me first ask, have you ever walked into a room and immediately felt or sensed that something is wrong before learning that there’s a conflict between the people present? Or perhaps despite the smile on your face, people sensed that you were not feeling okay. 

Well, a love mindset is the exact opposite because it's possible to control your mood. And much like a smile can infect another and cause them to smile, this is done without any physical action, only through your thoughts.

If you want to give it a try simply think loving thoughts while looking around your environment at people and/or objects. You can wish them well in your mind, or think thoughts of gratitude and appreciation for them. 

Experiment with this and you will improve your well being while increasing your immunity not to mention contributing to a harmonious and compassionate world!

And if you are interested in more intensive ways to create a love mindset read the Body and Soul sections of this months inspirations to learn more.

Let me know how your experiment goes and if you have any new ideas on how to cultivate a love mindset.

 ~ Body ~

Random Acts of Kindness.

One of the simplest ways to cultivate an expansive sense of love is through acts of kindness.

Acts of kindness can be expressed in many ways. They do not need to be elaborate or even have a dollar amount. They can be intentional or spontaneous. The choice is up to you. 

The only requirement for giving is that you give hands down. Meaning, you give simply out of kindness, not expecting anything in return. Not even a thank you.

And when you give hands down, it often brings a deep sense of goodness. 

Just like the "love mindset experiment" I discussed in this months Mind section, you will be raising your vibration and sending out a love frequency. And when this occurs, you inevitably expand your heart space.

A few ideas to get you started:

  • Hold the door open for someone.
  • Let the person in line behind you go first.
  • Offer to help someone without being asked.
  • Acknowledge a service person for their work.
  • Send a kind text to a loved one.
  • Send a friend a card telling them how much they mean to you.
  • Send flowers to your parents. 
  • Sweep up your neighbors' leaves.
  • Sign up to volunteer your time to an organization you care about.

Remember, no expectations – don't expect people to respond in any particular way. Don't even expect a thank you. That would defeat the purpose and just be feeding the ego.

For an even more expansive sense of love, try giving anonymously! It feels like the world just got brighter.




~ Soul ~

This simple mantra has proven to heal.

Article to come soon...

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